Sustainability Reports
The 2023 OMV Petrom Group Sustainability Report presents the impacts of our activities on the economy, environment, and society and how we managed these impacts to strengthen our performance and ensure our long-term sustainable development.
The Report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.
OMV Petrom Sustainability Report 2023 (PDF, 122,5 MB)
Our previous reports can be found below:
The 2022 OMV Petrom Group Sustainability Report presents the impacts of our activities on the economy, environment, and society and how we managed these impacts to strengthen our performance and ensure our long-term sustainable development.
The Report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.
The 2021 OMV Petrom Group Sustainability Report presents the impacts of our activities on the economy, environment, and society and how we managed these impacts to strengthen our performance and ensure our long-term sustainable development.
The Report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, option Core.
Read our report here: 2021 Sustainability report (PDF, 32,6 MB)
The Report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, option Core.
Read our report here: 2020 Sustainability Report (PDF, 18,9 MB)
Sustainability Report 2020 (Interactive Online Version)
OMV Petrom’s Sustainability Report 2019 describes the topics with regard to environmental, social and governance issues, which are most material to OMV Petrom and its stakeholders.
The Report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, option Core.
The report outlines also OMV Petrom’s sustainability performance, challenges and progress to achieve the Sustainability Strategy 2025 over the year, and is a key tool to ensure transparency towards stakeholders and partners.
Material topics presented in the Sustainability Report are structured around five focus areas on which OMV Petrom concentrates its efforts: Health, Safety, Security and Environment; Carbon Efficiency; Innovation; Employees; Business Principles and Social Responsibility . The Report presents also OMV Petrom’s performance in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN General Assembly in 2015.
The Sustainability Report that we issue each year includes plenty of numbers. But, behind these numbers, there are people, projects, actions.
Read about all this right here:
Sustainability Report 2019 (PDF, 7,2 MB)

Tables for Performance in details (Excel files):
Environment performance figures - 2019 (XLSX, 18,4 KB)
OMV Petrom’s Sustainability Report for 2018 - “Our energy for a sustainable future” details the OMV Petrom’s non-financial company’s information, based on the following focus areas: Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE), Carbon Efficiency, Business Principles & Social Responsibility, Innovation and Employees.
The report was developed in accordance with the GRI Standards, the Core option and the GRI G4 supplement specific to the oil and gas sector. OMV Petrom has a long tradition of responsibility and care for business done in a sustainable way, which we want to share with all stakeholders, in order to meet their expectations.
The Sustainability Report can be found here:
The OMV Petrom Group's Sustainability Report 2017 is the first in line with the provisions of Directive 2014/95/EU, which refers to the submission of non-financial information, transposed into national law by MPF Orders no. 1.938/2016 and no. 2844/2016.
This report was developed in accordance with the GRI Standards, Core option and the GRI G4 specific oil and gas supplement, representing our commitment to openly communicate to all stakeholders the impact of our activities on the economy, society and the environment, and the actions taken to better meet their expectations. The content of the report reflects our performance on a selection of OMV Petrom Group materiality analysis topics and complements the Vision and Mission for which the Company committed itself to the 2021+ Business Strategy.
OMV Petrom Sustainability Report can be found here.
OMV Petrom decided to Report in a transparent and open way in order to build trust and enhance the sustainability performance.
In addition to the Annual Report, in 2016 we publish a Sustainability Report for Romania prepared for the first time in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Core guidelines. The report describes how we manage and perform on our most material environmental, social and governance issues. We focus our disclosure on the issues that have been identified within the Materiality process at the OMV Group level.
OMV Petrom Sustainability Report for Romania can be found here.
The latest OMV Group Sustainability Report presents sustainability performance data (including about OMV Petrom). OMV Group Sustainability Report can be found here.
The latest OMV Group Sustainability Report covers the 2014 business year and presents sustainability performance data (including about OMV Petrom). By presenting the Resourcefulness Strategy the report outlines OMV's approach to responsible business behavior and describes how we integrate environmental, social, and economic considerations into our business.
This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 Core guidelines and has been guided by GRI’s G4 Oil and Gas sector disclosures document.
The 2014 report focuses our disclosure on the issues that have been deemed most material to the business through a stakeholder consultation and a materiality process.
OMV Group Sustainability Report can be found here.
Resourcefulness Facts and Figures 2013 covers our sustainability performance and relevant data for 2013. It describes how we integrate environmental, social, and economic considerations into our business through our sustainability strategy, Resourcefulness
You can read the report Sustainability Report 2013 (PDF, 8,8 MB)
OMV Petrom Sustainability Report covers our sustainability performance and relevant data for 2012. It describes how we integrate environmental, social, and economic considerations into our business and introduces Petrom’s Resourcefulness concept, which is at the center of our sustainability approach.
This is the first year we are disclosing a full GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Index at OMV Petrom.
We are using GRI disclosure as part of our sustainability commitment, in order to be as transparent as possible regarding our operations and activities.
You can read the report here Sustainability report 2012 eng (PDF, 14,0 MB)
The OMV Petrom Facts & Figures report for 2011 presents our sustainability performance data. It describes on how we moved forward on social and environmental topics as well as our performance in these matters for2011.
We report our performance by combining our Annual Report and our Sustainability Report to achieve comprehensive sustainability reporting.
Our report provides a consolidated overview of Petrom's performance in 2011 and it also sets out the targets for 2012 (and after).
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