General Meeting of Shareholders
The General Meeting of Shareholders is called by public announcement in Romania, with at least 30 days prior notice. Attendance to the Meeting is subject to having the shareholder status at the reference date established. The support documents are posted on the company’ website, section Investor Relations, being available to all shareholders.
OMV Petrom observes the one share, one vote, one dividend principle. There are no shares without voting rights, shares conferring the right to more than one vote or preference shares.
Shareholders with at least 5% holdings can require the calling of a General Meeting of Shareholders.
Rights of the Company’s minority shareholders are adequately protected according to the relevant legislation.
For details regarding shareholders' rights please download the file below:
Rules and procedures of the general meeting of shareholders of OMV Petrom (PDF, 312,1 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 24, 2025 (first convening)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J1997008302407, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 6,231,166,705.80 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("OGMS") on 24 April 2025 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found in the documents below:
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Independent auditors report on the separate financial statements for 2024 (PDF, 916,8 KB)
Independent auditors report on consolidated financial statements for 2024 (PDF, 936,4 KB)
Note 3 - Approval of the OMV Petrom Group Annual Report for 2024 (PDF, 201,1 KB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2024 (PDF, 6,3 MB)
Consolidated Report on Payments to Governments in 2024 (PDF, 182,7 KB)
Standalone Report on Payments to Governments in 2024 (PDF, 142,8 KB)
Note 6 - Approval of the 2025 Income and Expenditure Budget (PDF, 418,8 KB)
Budget 2025 OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 318,5 KB)
Note 8 – Appointment of the Supervisory Board members (PDF, 120,1 KB)
Information notice for SB candidates personal data processing (DOCX, 43,9 KB)
Template for Independence Questionnaire & Statement for SB candidates (DOCX, 62,8 KB)
Template for Conflicts of Interest Questionnaire & Statement for SB candidates (DOCX, 52,7 KB)
Remuneration Report for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board members for 2024 (PDF, 1,5 MB)
Note 10 - Approval of the updated Remuneration Policy (PDF, 187,5 KB)
Updated Remuneration Policy (PDF, 473,2 KB)
Note 11 - Approval of the remuneration of the Supervisory Board members for 2025 (PDF, 212,7 KB)
Notes 12 - Appointment of the financial statements auditor (PDF, 150,3 KB)
Note 13 - Appointment of the sustainability auditor (PDF, 186,2 KB)
Notes 14 and 15 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 187,6 KB)
Note 16 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 149,5 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 9, 10, 11, 14 and 16 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 168,8 KB)
Draft resolution no. 3 regarding items no. 8, 14 and 16 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 155,7 KB)
Draft resolution no. 4 regarding items no. 12, 14 and 16 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 140,3 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOCX, 48,9 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 38,7 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 36,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 36,1 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOCX, 44,7 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights OGMS (PDF, 147,9 KB)
Rules and procedures of the general meetings of shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 312,1 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of individual shareholders (PDF, 338,5 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of shareholders legal persons (PDF, 353,8 KB)
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 24, 2025 (first convening)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J1997008302407, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 6,231,166,705.80 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGMS”) on 24 April 2025 (first convening), starting with 12:30 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found in the documents below:
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of EGMS:
OMV Petrom updated Articles of Association 24 April 2025 track changes (PDF, 258,0 KB)
Note 3 - Establishing the Record Date and the Ex-Date (PDF, 181,3 KB)
Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3 and 4 on EGMS Agenda (PDF, 254,8 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in EGMS (DOCX, 39,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 38,7 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 36,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 36,1 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the EGMS (DOCX, 40,3 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights EGMS (PDF, 150,1 KB)
Rules and procedures of the general meetings of shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 312,1 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of individual shareholders (PDF, 338,5 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of shareholders legal persons (PDF, 353,8 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 25 July 2024 (first convening)
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 25 July 2024 (PDF, 299,7 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid-up share capital of RON 6,231,166,705.80 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 25 July 2024 (first convening), starting with 10:00 am (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found below:
Convening notice of Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on July 25, 2024 (first convening) (PDF, 354,8 KB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
2 Notes 2 and 3 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 221,4 KB)
3 Note 4 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 169,8 KB)
4. Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3, 4, on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 158,9 KB)
5 Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 81,0 KB)
6 General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 38,1 KB)
7 Statement Intermediary_General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 35,8 KB)
8 Statement Lawyer_General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 36,1 KB)
9 Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOC, 72,5 KB)
10 Information regarding the voting rights (PDF, 166,1 KB)
11 Rules and procedures of the general meetings of shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A (PDF, 312,1 KB)
12 Procedure eVote for registration of individual shareholders (PDF, 338,5 KB)
13 Procedure eVote for registration of shareholders legal persons (PDF, 353,8 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 24 April 2024 (first convening)
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 24 April 2024 (PDF, 752,8 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid-up share capital of RON 6,231,166,705.80 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 24 April 2024 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found below:
Convening notice for OGMS (PDF, 334,2 KB)
CEO and CFO presentations for the OMV Petrom S.A. OGMS:
CEO presentation (PDF, 3,1 MB)
CFO presentation (PDF, 1,2 MB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Directors Report OMV Petrom SA with separate financial statements 2023 - ESEF format (XHTML, 1,7 MB)
Notice correction insignificant error_Annual Report of OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 149,8 KB)
Independent auditors report on the separate financial statements for 2023 (PDF, 1,0 MB)
Independent auditors report on consolidated financial statements for 2023 (PDF, 1,0 MB)
Note 3 - Approval of the OMV Petrom Group Annual Report for 2023 (PDF, 200,0 KB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2023 (PDF, 3,4 MB)
Notice correction insignificant error_Annual Report of the OMV Petrom Group (PDF, 149,8 KB)
Consolidated Report on Payments to Governments in 2023 (PDF, 169,8 KB)
Standalone Report on Payments to Governments in 2023 (PDF, 130,3 KB)
Note 6 - Approval of the 2024 Income and Expenditure Budget (PDF, 164,3 KB)
Budget 2024 OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 354,7 KB)
Note 8 - Approval of the appointment of a new member of the Supervisory Board (PDF, 216,9 KB)
CV Sorin Dumitru Elisei (PDF, 273,6 KB)
Information notice for candidates personal data processing (DOCX, 30,4 KB)
Remuneration Report for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board members (PDF, 1,5 MB)
Note 10 - Approval of the remuneration of the Supervisory Board members (PDF, 238,0 KB)
Notes 11 and 12 - Appointment of the financial auditor (PDF, 172,7 KB)
Notes 13 and 14 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 203,8 KB)
Note 15 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 168,8 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 9, 10, 13 and 15 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 174,1 KB)
Draft resolution no. 3 regarding items no. 8, 13 and 15 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 151,0 KB)
Draft resolution no. 4 regarding items no. 11, 12, 13 and 15 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 156,2 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 88,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 38,1 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 35,8 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 36,1 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOC, 78,5 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights (PDF, 166,8 KB)
Rules and procedures of the general meetings of shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 312,1 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of individual shareholders (PDF, 338,5 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of shareholders legal persons (PDF, 353,8 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 12 September 2023 (first convening)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid-up share capital of RON 6,231,166,705.80 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 12 September 2023 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found in the documents below:
Convening notice for OGMS (PDF, 296,9 KB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Notes 2 and 3 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 219,3 KB)
Note 4 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 168,5 KB)
Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3 and 4 on OGMS agenda (PDF, 179,7 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 68,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 31,8 KB)
Statement Intermediary¬_General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 29,6 KB)
Statement Lawyer¬_General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 29,8 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOC, 59,0 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights (PDF, 165,3 KB)
Rules and procedures of the general meetings of shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 338,2 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of individual shareholders (PDF, 338,5 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of shareholders legal persons (PDF, 353,8 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 26 April 2023 (first convening)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid-up share capital of RON 6,231,166,705.80 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 26 April 2023 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found in the documents below:
Convening notice for OGMS (PDF, 207,0 KB)
CEO and CFO presentations for the OMV Petrom S.A. OGMS:
CEO presentation (PDF, 2,7 MB)
CFO presentation (PDF, 1,1 MB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Independent auditors report on the separate financial statements for 2022 (PDF, 1,2 MB)
Independent auditors report on consolidated financial statements for 2022 (PDF, 1,3 MB)
Note 3 - Approval of the OMV Petrom Group Annual Report for 2022 (PDF, 200,6 KB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2022 (PDF, 3,3 MB)
Consolidated Report on Payments to Governments in 2022 (PDF, 167,9 KB)
Standalone Report on Payments to Governments in 2022 (PDF, 128,4 KB)
Note 6 - Approval of the 2023 Income and Expenditure Budget (PDF, 163,7 KB)
Budget 2023 OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 781,9 KB)
CV_Reinhard Florey (PDF, 99,5 KB)
CV_Katja Tautscher (PDF, 96,1 KB)
CV_Berislav Gaso (PDF, 124,4 KB)
Information notice for candidates personal data processing (DOCX, 32,3 KB)
Remuneration Report for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board members (PDF, 405,6 KB)
Note 12 - Approval of the remuneration of the Supervisory Board members (PDF, 239,3 KB)
Notes 13 and 14 - Appointment of the financial auditor (PDF, 203,5 KB)
Notes 15 and 16 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 190,3 KB)
Note 17 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 168,1 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 11, 12, 15 and 17 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 175,1 KB)
Draft resolution no. 3 regarding items no. 8, 9, 10, 15 and 17 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 161,9 KB)
Draft resolution no. 4 regarding items no. 13, 14, 15 and 17 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 155,3 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 132,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 38,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 35,7 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 36,0 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOC, 117,5 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights (PDF, 165,5 KB)
Rules and procedures of the general meetings of shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 338,2 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of individual shareholders (PDF, 338,5 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of shareholders legal persons (PDF, 353,8 KB)
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 26 April 2023 (first convening)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid-up share capital of RON 6,231,166,705.80 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGMS”) on 26 April 2023 (first convening), starting with 12:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found in the documents below:
Convening notice for EGMS (PDF, 196,5 KB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of EGMS:
Notes 1 & 2- Approval of GDRs delisting and empowerment of Executive Board (PDF, 240,3 KB)
Note 3 - Establishing the Record Date and the Ex-Date EGMS (PDF, 169,4 KB)
Note 4 - Empowerment for signing and registering the EGMS resolutions (PDF, 155,8 KB)
Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3 and 4 on EGMS Agenda (PDF, 189,1 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in EGMS (DOC, 79,5 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 38,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 35,7 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 36,0 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the EGMS (DOC, 100,0 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights in EGMS (PDF, 140,5 KB)
Rules and procedures of the general meetings of shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 338,2 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of individual shareholders (PDF, 338,5 KB)
Procedure eVote for registration of shareholders legal persons (PDF, 353,8 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 26 July 2022 (first convening)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”) hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 26 July 2022 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found in the documents below:
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Notes 2 and 3 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 216,9 KB)
Note 4 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 167,8 KB)
Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3 and 4 on OGMS agenda (PDF, 178,7 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 98,5 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 35,4 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 31,2 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 29,0 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOC, 93,0 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights (PDF, 165,5 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 27 April 2022 (first convening)
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 27 April 2022 (PDF, 266,9 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 27 April 2022 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found in the documents below:
Convening notice for OGMS (PDF, 166,1 KB)
CEO and CFO presentations for the OMV Petrom S.A. OGMS convened for April 27, 2022:
CEO presentation (PDF, 9,9 MB)
CFO presentation (PDF, 1,9 MB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Independent Auditor's Report on the separate financial statements 2021 (PDF, 84,9 KB)
Independent Auditors’ Report on the consolidated financial statements 2021 (PDF, 83,1 KB)
Note 3 - Approval of the OMV Petrom Group Annual Report for 2021 (PDF, 200,1 KB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2021 (PDF, 3,6 MB)
Consolidated Report on Payments to Governments in 2021 (PDF, 180,1 KB)
Standalone Report on Payments to Governments in 2021 (PDF, 170,3 KB)
Note 5 - Approval of the 2022 Income and Expenditure Budget (PDF, 188,4 KB)
Budget 2022 OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 722,0 KB)
Note 7 – Approval of the appointment of two new members of the Supervisory Board (PDF, 232,2 KB)
CV_Alfred Stern (PDF, 96,7 KB)
CV_ Martijn van Koten (PDF, 97,7 KB)
Information notice for candidates personal data processing (DOCX, 29,3 KB)
Remuneration Report 2021 for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board members (PDF, 415,3 KB)
Updated Remuneration Policy for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board members (PDF, 461,6 KB)
Note 10 - Approval of the remuneration of the Supervisory Board members (PDF, 188,0 KB)
Presentation on Remuneration (PDF, 227,3 KB)
Note 11 - Appointment of the financial auditor (PDF, 165,8 KB)
Notes 12 and 13 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 217,9 KB)
Note 14 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 167,6 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 159,3 KB)
Draft resolution no. 3 regarding items no. 7, 12 and 14 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 157,2 KB)
Draft resolution no. 4 regarding items no. 11, 12 and 14 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 155,1 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 110,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 37,5 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 37,4 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 35,2 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOC, 97,5 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights (PDF, 165,6 KB)
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 27 April 2022 (first convening)
Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 27 April 2022 (PDF, 610,7 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGMS”) on 27 April 2022 (first convening), starting with 12:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found in the documents below:
Convening notice for EGMS (PDF, 171,8 KB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of EGMS:
Executive summary of the valuation report issued by Darian DRS (PDF, 417,6 KB)
Note 6 - Establishing the Record Date and the Ex-Date (PDF, 120,4 KB)
Note 7 - Empowerment for signing and registering the EGMS resolutions (PDF, 115,8 KB)
Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 on EGMS Agenda (PDF, 191,0 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 4, 5, 6 and 7 on EGMS Agenda (PDF, 245,5 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in EGMS (DOC, 101,5 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS (DOCX, 37,5 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 37,4 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in GMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 35,2 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the EGMS (DOC, 94,0 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 27 April 2021 (first convening)
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 27 April 2021 (PDF, 555,3 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 27 April 2021 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval A.
Details can be found in the documents below:
CEO and CFO presentations for the OMV Petrom S.A. OGMS convened for April 27, 2021:
CEO presentation (PDF, 4,0 MB)
CFO presentation (PDF, 1,9 MB)
Presentation on the Remuneration Policy for the members of the Executive Board and for the members of the Supervisory Board applicable starting 2021 financial year:
Remuneration policy presentation (PDF, 336,3 KB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Note 3 - Approval of the OMV Petrom Group Annual Report for 2020 (PDF, 364,9 KB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2020 (PDF, 3,2 MB)
Standalone Report on Payments to Governments in 2020 (PDF, 175,0 KB)
Note 5 - Approval of the 2021 Income and Expenditure Budget (PDF, 362,0 KB)
Budget 2021 OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 715,6 KB)
OMV Petrom_Remuneration Policy (PDF, 639,1 KB)
Note 8 – Approval of the appointment of members of the Supervisory Board (PDF, 375,9 KB)
CV_Rainer Seele (PDF, 89,7 KB)
CV_Johann Pleininger (PDF, 124,6 KB)
CV_Elena Skvortsova (PDF, 91,0 KB)
CV_Daniel Turnheim (PDF, 45,7 KB)
CV_Wolfram Krenn (PDF, 91,0 KB)
CV_Jochen Weise (PDF, 92,4 KB)
CV_Marius Stefan (PDF, 224,2 KB)
CV_Niculae Havrilet (PDF, 132,6 KB)
CV_Razvan Eugen Nicolescu (PDF, 111,9 KB)
Information notice for candidates_ personal data processing (DOCX, 33,2 KB)
Note 9 - Approval of the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board (PDF, 438,7 KB)
Note 10 - Appointment of the financial auditor (PDF, 192,1 KB)
Notes 11 and 12 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 377,1 KB)
Note 13 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 367,3 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 7, 9, 11 and 13 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 155,0 KB)
Draft resolution no. 3 regarding items no. 8, 11 and 13 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 166,9 KB)
Draft resolution no. 4 regarding items no. 10, 11 and 13 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 152,5 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS - updated on 6 April 2021 (DOC, 107,5 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOCX, 41,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 41,3 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 39,0 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 27 April 2020
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 27 April 2020 (PDF, 479,9 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 27 April 2020 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at OMV Petrom’s headquarters located in 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), Infinity Building, Oval B.
Details can be found in the documents below:
CEO and CFO presentations for the OMV Petrom S.A. OGMS convened for April 27, 2020:
CEO presentation (PDF, 4,0 MB)
CFO presentation (PDF, 1,8 MB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Note 3 - Approval of the OMV Petrom Group Annual Report for 2019 (PDF, 310,1 KB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2019 (PDF, 2,2 MB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2019_final design (PDF, 3,4 MB)
Standalone Report on Payments to Governments in 2019 (PDF, 296,9 KB)
Note 5 - Approval of the 2020 Income and Expenditure Budget (PDF, 301,1 KB)
Budget 2020 OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 1,3 MB)
Note 7 - Establishing of the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board (PDF, 295,3 KB)
Note 8 - Appointment of the financial auditor (PDF, 300,2 KB)
Notes 9 and 10 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 330,5 KB)
Note 11 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 305,1 KB)
Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 11 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 266,9 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 4, 9, 10 and 11 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 451,0 KB)
Draft resolution no. 3 regarding items no. 6, 7, 9 and 11 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 265,5 KB)
Draft resolution no. 4 regarding items no. 8, 9 and 11 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 263,8 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 96,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOCX, 33,2 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 31,2 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 31,1 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOC, 88,0 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights (PDF, 245,3 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of 3 March 2020
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated March 3, 2020 (PDF, 576,4 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 3 March 2020 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at Crowne Plaza Hotel, “Crown Ballroom” conference room, 1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, District 1, Bucharest, Romania.
Details can be found in the document below:
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Notes 1, 2 and 3 – SB member revocation & appointment (PDF, 92,8 KB)
Notes 4 and 5 - SB members appointment (PDF, 97,8 KB)
CV_Niculae Havrilet (PDF, 594,6 KB)
CV_Thomas Gangl (PDF, 292,7 KB)
CV_Johann Pleininger (PDF, 417,1 KB)
Information notice for candidates’ personal data processing (DOCX, 18,9 KB)
Note 6 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 56,0 KB)
Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3 and 6 on OGMS agenda (PDF, 259,3 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 4, 5 and 6 on OGMS agenda (PDF, 259,4 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS_updated 12 February (DOC, 63,5 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOCX, 33,2 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 31,2 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 31,1 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS_updated 12 February (DOC, 59,0 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 19, 2019
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated April 19, 2019 (PDF, 1,4 MB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("OGMS") on 19 April 2019 (first convening), starting with 10:00 o’clock (Romania time), at Crowne Plaza Hotel, “Crown Ballroom” conference room, 1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, District 1, Bucharest, Romania.
Details can be found in the document below:
Convening notice for OGMS (PDF, 307,6 KB)
Documents and informing materials related to the items included on the agenda of OGMS:
Notice correction insignificant errors_Separate Financial Statements (PDF, 150,6 KB)
Notice correction insignificant errors_Consolidated Financial Statements (PDF, 155,1 KB)
Note 3 - Approval of the OMV Petrom Group Annual Report for 2018 (PDF, 73,8 KB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2018 (PDF, 2,0 MB)
Notice correction insignificant errors_Annual Report (PDF, 112,9 KB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2018_print format (PDF, 3,2 MB)
Standalone Report on Payment to Governments 2017 (PDF, 450,1 KB)
Note 5 - Approval of the 2019 Income and Expenditure Budget (PDF, 37,1 KB)
Budget 2019 OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 352,1 KB)
Note 7 - Establishing of the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board (PDF, 73,6 KB)
Note 8 - Appointment of the financial auditor (PDF, 44,7 KB)
Notes 9 and 10 - Establishing the Record Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 69,2 KB)
Note 11 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 46,5 KB)
Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 11 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 227,5 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 4, 9, 10 and 11 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 371,2 KB)
Draft resolution no. 3 regarding items no. 6, 7, 9 and 11 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 229,2 KB)
Draft resolution no. 4 regarding items no. 8, 9 and 11 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 225,2 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 91,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOCX, 35,7 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Intermediary (DOCX, 34,2 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Lawyer (DOCX, 34,2 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOC, 84,5 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights (PDF, 37,8 KB)
Presentations held by the OMV Petrom S.A. CEO and CFO on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 19, 2019:
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 26, 2018
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated April 26, 2018 (PDF, 577,0 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("OGMS") on 26 April 2018 (first convening), starting with 09:00 o’clock (Romanian time), at "JW Marriott" Hotel, "Constanta" Room, 90 Calea 13 Septembrie Street, District 5, Bucharest, Romania.
Details can be found in the document below:
Convening notice for OGMS (PDF, 326,5 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
April 26, 2018
9.00 AM
"JW Marriott" Hotel, "Constanta" Room
90 Calea 13 Septembrie Street, District 5, Bucharest, Romania
Note 1 - Approval of the separate individual financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS for the year ended on December 31, 2017 (PDF, 71,5 KB)
OMV Petrom S.A. separate financial statements for the financial year ended on December 31, 2017 (PDF, 11,4 MB)
Supervisory Board Report on separate financial statements prepared in accordance with MFO no. 2844 of 2016.pdf (PDF, 8,0 MB)
Note 2 - Approval of the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS for the year ended on December 31, 2017 (PDF, 67,5 KB)
Consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS for the year ended on December 31, 2017 (PDF, 13,1 MB)
Supervisory Board Report on consolidated financial statements of OMV Petrom Group prepared in accordance with IFRS (PDF, 6,0 MB)
Note 3 - Approval of the OMV Petrom Group Annual Report for 2017 (PDF, 81,4 KB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2017 (PDF, 1,4 MB)
Annual Report OMV Petrom Group 2017_print format (PDF, 24,1 MB)
Standalone Report on Payment to Governments 2017 (PDF, 450,1 KB)
Note 4 - Approval of the Executive Board's proposal regarding the allocation of profits and distribution of dividends for 2017 financial year (PDF, 112,6 KB)
Note 5 - Approval of the 2018 Income and Expenditure Budget (PDF, 39,4 KB)
Budget 2018 OMV Petrom S.A. (PDF, 72,3 KB)
Note 6 - Discharge of liability of the members of the Executive Board and of the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2017 financial year (PDF, 42,9 KB)
Note 7 - Approval of the appointment of the members of the Supervisory Board (PDF, 88,7 KB)
List comprising the candidacy proposals for the position as member of the Supervisory Board.pdf (PDF, 179,8 KB)
CV Hans Christopher Veit (PDF, 115,9 KB)
CV Sevil Shhaideh (PDF, 179,4 KB)
Note 8 - Establishing of the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board (PDF, 74,3 KB)
Note 9 - Appointment of the financial auditor (PDF, 45,6 KB)
Notes 10 and 11 - Establishing the Registration Date, the Ex-Date and the Payment Date (PDF, 64,0 KB)
Note 12 - Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS resolutions (PDF, 50,5 KB)
Draft resolution no. 1 regarding items no. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 and 12 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 192,8 KB)
Draft resolution no. 2 regarding items no. 4, 10, 11 and 12 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 191,5 KB)
Draft resolution no. 3 regarding items no. 7, 8, 10 and 12 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 187,3 KB)
Draft resolution no. 4 regarding items no. 9, 10 and 12 on OGMS Agenda (PDF, 180,0 KB)
Special Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 75,0 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS (DOC, 32,9 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Intermediary (DOC, 23,4 KB)
General Power of Attorney for representation in OGMS Statement Lawyer (DOC, 23,4 KB)
Voting Bulletin for the voting by correspondence in the OGMS (DOC, 90,0 KB)
Information regarding the voting rights (PDF, 41,0 KB)
Presentations held by the OMV Petrom S.A. CEO and CFO on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 26, 2018:
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 25, 2017
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated April 25, 2017 (PDF, 672,7 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("OGMS") on 25 April 2017 (first convening), starting with 15:00 o’clock (Romanian time), at "JW Marriott" Hotel, “Constanta” Room, 90 Calea 13 Septembrie Street, District 5, Bucharest, Romania.
Details can be found in the document below:
Convening notice for OGMS (PDF, 315,3 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
April 25, 2017
3:00 PM
"JW Marriott" Hotel, "Constanta" Room
90 Calea 13 Septembrie Street, District 5, Bucharest, Romania
Please download from below the files corresponding to the OGMS agenda:
General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 25, 2017 (ZIP, 18,0 MB)
Presentations held by the OMV Petrom S.A. CEO and CFO on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 25, 2017:
General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 26, 2016
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes on April 26, 2016, at Radisson Blu Hotel, "Atlas Room", 63-81 Calea Victoriei Street, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.
Details can be found in the document below:
Convening notice for the OGMS and EGMS on April 26, 2016 (PDF, 474,2 KB)
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("OGMS"), starting with 9:00 AM
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
April 26, 2016
9:00 AM
Radisson Blu Hotel, "Atlas" Room
63-81 Calea Victoriei Street, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Please download from below the files corresponding to the OGMS agenda:
General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 26, 2016 (ZIP, 11,8 MB)
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("EGMS"), starting with 11:30 AM
Please download from below the files corresponding to the OGMS agenda:
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders April 26, 2016 (ZIP, 513,8 KB)
Answers to the questions submitted by OMV Petrom S.A.’s shareholders regarding the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of April 26, 2016
GMS answers to shareholders (PDF, 535,5 KB)
Presentations held by the OMV Petrom S.A. CEO and CFO on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 26, 2015:
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A.
April 28, 2015
11:00 a.m.
CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, "Crown Ballroom" conference room
1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, sector 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, Sector 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("OGMS") on 28 April 2015, starting with 11.00 AM, at "Crown Ballroom" conference room of the CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, located in Bucharest, 1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, sector 1.
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated April 28, 2015 (PDF, 791,3 KB)
Details can be found in the document below:
Convening Notice Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders – April 28, 2015 (PDF, 652,4 KB)
Please download from below the files corresponding to the OGMS agenda:
General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 28, 2015 (ZIP, 13,9 MB)
Extraordinary and Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of September 22, 2015
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes on 22 September 2015, at "Crown Ballroom" conference room of the CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, located in Bucharest, 1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, District 1
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
September 22, 2015
11:00 AM
Crowne Plaza Hotel, "Crown Ballroom" conference room
1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, District 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Convening notice for the OGMS and EGMS - September 22, 2015 (PDF, 793,3 KB)
Please download from below the files corresponding to the EGMS agenda:
Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders as of September 22, 2015 (ZIP, 458,5 KB)
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
September 22, 2015
12:00 PM
Crowne Plaza Hotel, "Crown Ballroom" conference room
1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, District 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Convening notice for the OGMS and EGMS - September 22, 2015 (PDF, 793,3 KB)
Please download from below the files corresponding to the EGMS agenda:
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of September 22, 2015 (ZIP, 466,5 KB)
Presentations held by the OMV Petrom S.A. CEO and CFO on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 28, 2015:
CEO presentation (PDF, 316,7 KB)
CFO presentation (PDF, 207,4 KB)
Answers to the questions addressed by minority shareholders on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 28, 2015:
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A.
April 29, 2014
11:00 a.m.
CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, "Crown Ballroom" conference room
1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, sector 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated April 29, 2014 (PDF, 491,0 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, Sector 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("OGMS") on 29 April 2014, 11.00 AM, at "Crown Ballroom" conference room of the CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, located in Bucharest, 1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, sector 1.
Details can be found in the document below:
Convening Notice Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders – April 29, 2014 (PDF, 398,5 KB)
Please download from below the files corresponding to the OGMS agenda:
General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 29, 2014 (ZIP, 9,8 MB)
Answers to the questions addressed by minority shareholders on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 29, 2014:
GMS Answers to minority shareholders (PDF, 133,6 KB)
Presentations held by the OMV Petrom S.A. CEO and CFO on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 29, 2014:
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A.
April 22, 2013
10:00 a.m.
CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, "Crown Ballroom" conference room
1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, sector 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated April 22, 2013 (PDF, 667,4 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, Sector 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("OGMS") on 22 April 2013, 10.00 AM, at "Crown Ballroom" conference room of the CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, located in Bucharest, 1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, sector 1.
Please download from below the OGMS convening notice:
Convening Notice Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders – April 22, 2013 (PDF, 403,4 KB)
Please download from below the files corresponding to the OGMS agenda:
General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 22, 2013 (ZIP, 15,1 MB)
Answers to the questions addressed by minority shareholders on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 22, 2013:
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A.
April 27, 2012
10:00 a.m.
CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, "Crown Ballroom" conference room
1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, sector 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Convening Notice Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders – April 27, 2012 (PDF, 286,4 KB)
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated April 27, 2012 (PDF, 521,4 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 22 Coralilor Street, Sector 1, Bucharest ("Petrom City"), with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter interchangeably referred to as "OMV Petrom" or the "Company"), hereby convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("OGMS") on 27 April 2012, 10.00 a.m., at "Crown Ballroom" conference room of the CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, located in Bucharest, 1 Poligrafiei Boulevard, sector 1, with the following AGENDA:
1. Approval of the financial statements prepared in accordance with Romanian Accounting Standards (RAS) for the financial year ended on 31 December 2011, based on the Financial Auditor’s Report, the Report of the Executive Board and the Report of the Supervisory Board for the 2011 financial year.
2. Approval of the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the year ended on 31 December 2011, based on the Financial Auditor’s Report, the Report of the Executive Board and the Report of the Supervisory Board for the 2011 financial year.
3. Approval of the Annual Report which includes the Report of the Executive Board and the Report of the Supervisory Board for the 2011 financial year.
4. Approval of the Executive Board’s proposal to allocate the amount of RON 209,401,533 to legal reserves in order to comply with the legal requirements regarding the mandatory allocation of a profit quota for legal reserves
5. Approval of the Executive Board’s proposal to distribute dividends for the 2011 financial year, the manner of payment and the starting date; the Executive Board proposes to distribute starting with 18 June 2012, via payment agent, to OMV Petrom’s shareholders recorded at the registration date, dividends with a gross value per share as detailed in the in the supporting materials.
6. Approval of the Executive Board’s proposal not to establish an employees’ award fund out of the Company’s profits for the 2011 financial year pursuant to article 106 of the Company’s Collective Labor Agreement in force and, as a result, not to make any payments for the 2011 financial year.
7. Approval of the 2012 Revenue and Expenditure Budget.
8. Discharge of liability of the members of the Executive Board and of the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2011 financial year.
9. The approval of the appointment of a new Supervisory Board member for the remaining term of Mr Werner Auli’s mandate, due to the waiver of his mandate as member of the Supervisory Board.
10. Establishing the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board for the current year and the general limit of the additional remunerations of the Supervisory Board members who were assigned specific positions within the Supervisory Board.
11. Appointment of the Company’s financial auditor, pursuant to the expiry of the audit service agreement, establishment of the minimum duration of the audit service agreement and the remuneration of the financial auditor.
12. Establishing 17 May 2012 as the "Registration Date" as per article 238 of Capital Market Law no. 297/2004, i.e. the registration date which serves to the identification of the shareholders who are to benefit from dividends or other rights and who are affected by the decisions of the general meetings of shareholders.
13. Empowering Ms Mariana Gheorghe, Chief Executive Officer, to sign in the name of the shareholders the decisions of the OGMS and to perform any act or formality required by law for the registration and the application of the decisions of the OGMS. Ms Mariana Gheorghe may delegate all or part of the above mentioned powers to any competent person(s) to perform such mandate.
For details please download the files below:
General Meeting of Shareholders as of April 27, 2012 (ZIP, 6,4 MB)
The ordinary and extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of OMV Petrom S.A. were convened on April 26, 2011, starting 11.00 AM, at "D" conference room of the JW MARRIOTT Hotel, located in Bucharest, 90 Calea 13 Septembrie, sector 5.
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
April 26, 2011
11:00 a.m.
JW Marriott Hotel, room “D”
Calea 13 Septembrie no. 90, district 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Convening Notice Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders – April 26, 2011 (PDF, 230,9 KB)
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated April 26, 2011 (PDF, 646,2 KB)
Supplemented agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on April 26, 2011 (PDF, 84,5 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom SA, a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J/40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 239 Calea Dorobanţilor, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter interchangeably referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), convened the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“OGMS”) on 26 April 2011, 11.00 AM, at “D” conference room of the JW MARRIOTT Hotel, located in Bucharest, 90 Calea 13 Septembrie, sector 5, with the following AGENDA:
1. Approval of the financial statements prepared in accordance with Romanian Accounting Standards (RAS) for the financial year ended on 31 December 2010, based on the Financial Auditor’s Report, the Report of the Executive Board and the Report of the Supervisory Board for the 2010 financial year.
2. Approval of the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the year ended on 31 December 2010, based on the Financial Auditor’s Report, the Report of the Executive Board and the Report of the Supervisory Board for the 2010 financial year.
3. Approval of the Annual Report which includes the Report of the Executive Board and the Report of the Supervisory Board for the 2010 financial year.
4. Approval of the Executive Board’s proposal to allocate the amount of RON 101,710,000 to legal reserves in order to comply with the legal requirements regarding the mandatory allocation of a profit quota for legal reserves.
5. Approval of the Executive Board’s proposal to distribute dividends for the 2010 financial year and the method of profits distribution ; the Executive Board proposes to distribute to OMV Petrom’s shareholders recorded at the registration date dividends with a gross value per share amounting to RON 0.0177.
6. Approval of the Executive Board’s proposal not to establish an exceptional employees’ award fund out of the Company’s profits for the 2010 financial year and, as a result, not to make payments in 2011 for the 2010 financial year pursuant to article 106 of the Company’s Collective Labor Agreement in force.
7. Approval of the 2011 Revenue and Expenditure Budget.
8. Discharge of liability of the members of the Executive Board and of the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2010 financial year.
9. The approval of the appointment of a new Supervisory Board member for the remaining term of Mr Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer’s mandate, due to the waiver of his mandate as member of Supervisory Board.
10. Establishing the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board for the current year and the general limit of the additional remunerations of the Supervisory Board members who were assigned specific positions within the Supervisory Board.
11. Appointment of the Company’s financial auditor, pursuant to the expiry of the audit service agreement, establishment of the minimum duration of the audit service agreement and the remuneration of the financial auditor.
12. Establishing 12 May 2011 as the "Registration Date" as per article 238 of Capital Market Law no. 297/2004, i.e. the registration date which serves to the identification of the shareholders who are to benefit from dividends or other rights and who are affected by the decisions of the general meetings of shareholders.
13. Empowering Ms Mariana Gheorghe, Chief Executive Officer, to sign in the name of the shareholders the decisions of the OGMS and to perform any act or formality required by law for the registration and the application of the decisions of the OGMS. Ms Mariana Gheorghe may delegate all or part of the above mentioned powers to any other person(s) to perform such mandate.
14.Revocation of Mr Marian Ţurlea as member of the Supervisory Board and appointment of a new member for the remaining term of Mr Marian Ţurlea’s mandate. MECMA’s proposal fort he appointment of the new member of the Supervisory Board is Mr Constantin Dascălu.
Further details can be found in the attachements below:
General Meeting of Shareholders April 26, 2011 (ZIP, 11,5 MB)
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
April 26, 2011
13:30 p.m.
JW Marriott Hotel, room “D”
Calea 13 Septembrie no. 90, district 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Convening Notice Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders – April 26, 2011 (PDF, 206,9 KB)
The Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A., a company managed in a two-tier system, incorporated and operating under the laws of Romania, registered with the Trade Registry Office of Bucharest Court under number J 40/8302/1997, fiscal code 1590082, having its headquarters at 239 Calea Dorobanţilor, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, with a subscribed and paid up share capital of RON 5,664,410,833.50 (hereinafter interchangeably referred to as “OMV Petrom” or the “Company”), convened the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGMS”) on 26 April 2011, 13.30 PM, at “D” conference room of the JW MARRIOTT Hotel, located in Bucharest, 90 Calea 13 Septembrie, sector 5, with the following AGENDA:
1. Approval of the change of the Company’s headquarters from 239 Calea Dorobantilor Street, Sector 1, Bucharest, to 22 Coralilor Street, Sector 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”), as of 23 May 2011.
2. Following the approval of point 1 above, approval of the amendment of the first paragraph of article 3 of the Company’s Articles of Association starting with 23 May 2011, as follow:
„The headquarters of the Company is located in 22 Coralilor Street, sector 1, Bucharest (“Petrom City”). The headquarters of the Company may be changed to any another location in Romania pursuant to a resolution of the Extraordinary General Assembly of Shareholders.”
3. Information about the finalization of the procedure to distribute own shares to the entitled persons in line with the “Simplified Prospectus on distribution of OMV Petrom S.A.’s shares to the entitled persons according to Law no. 297/2004 and the National Securities Commission Regulation no. 1/2006” approved by the National Securities Commission Decision no. 204 dated 10 February 2010 and empowering the Executive Board to further decide upon the destination of the 62,000 own shares which remained non distributed due to the fact that as of the date of the issuance of the Simplified Prospectus the number of the entitled persons was unknown.
4. Establishing 12 May 2011 as the "Registration Date" as per article 238 of Capital Market Law no. 297/2004, i.e. the registration date which serves to the identification of the shareholders who are to benefit from dividends or other rights and who are affected by the decisions of the general meetings of shareholders.
5. Empowering Ms Mariana Gheorghe, Chief Executive Officer, to sign in the name of the shareholders the decisions of the EGMS and updated Articles of Association of the Company and to perform any act or formality required by law for the registration and the application of the decisions of the EGMS. Ms Mariana Gheorghe may delegate all or part of the above mentioned powers to any other person(s) to perform such mandate.
Further details can be found in the attachements below:
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, April 26, 2011 (ZIP, 830,6 KB)
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
August 3rd, 2010
10.30 a.m.
JW Marriott Hotel, room “D”
Calea 13 Septembrie no. 90, district 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders August 3rd, 2010 (ZIP, 3,0 MB)
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
August 3rd, 2010
11.00 p.m.
JW Marriott Hotel, room “D”
Calea 13 Septembrie no. 90, district 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders August 3rd, 2010 (ZIP, 38,5 MB)
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
April 29, 2010
10.00 a.m.
JW Marriott Hotel, room “D”
Calea 13 Septembrie no. 90, district 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders April 29, 2010 (ZIP, 8,7 MB)
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
April 29, 2010
12.00 p.m.
JW Marriott Hotel, room “D”
Calea 13 Septembrie no. 90, district 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders April 29, 2010 (ZIP, 2,8 MB)
Answers to the questions addressed by minority shareholders on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 29, 2010:
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
October 20, 2009
10.00 a.m.
JW Marriott Hotel, room “D” Calea 13 Septembrie no. 90, district 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders October 20, 2009 (ZIP, 13,2 MB)
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
April 28, 2009
10.00 a.m.
Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel, “Le Diplomate” Saloon
1-3 Episcopiei street, district 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders April 28, 2009 (ZIP, 13,4 MB)
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
April 28, 2009
12.00 p.m.
Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel, “Le Diplomate” Saloon
1-3 Episcopiei street, district 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders April 28, 2009 (ZIP, 2,4 MB)
Answers to the questions addressed by minority shareholders on the occasion of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 28, 2009:
General Meeting of Shareholders
December 16, 2008
09.30 a.m.
Crowne Plaza Hotel, “Valahia” Room
1 Poligrafiei Blvd, district 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
General Meeting of Shareholders December 16, 2008 (ZIP, 4,5 MB)
Annual General Meeting for the approval of the 2007 financial statements
April 22, 2008
10.30 a.m.
Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel
1-3 Episcopiei Street, sector 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders
November 27, 2007
10.30 a.m.
Crowne Plaza Hotel
1 Poligrafiei Blvd, sector 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Convening Notice Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders - November 27, 2007 (PDF, 695,0 KB)
Notes EGMS November 27, 2007 (PDF, 1,1 MB)
General Meeting for the approval of the 2006 financial statements
April 17, 2007
10.30 a.m.
Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel
1-3 Episcopiei Street, sector 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA
General Meeting for the approval of the 2006 financial statements April 17, 2007 (ZIP, 16,1 MB)
Annual General Meeting for the approval of the 2005 financial statements
Annual General Meeting for the share capital increase
November 22, 2005
10.00 a.m.
Marriott Bucharest Hotel
90 Calea 13 Septembrie, district 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Annual General Meeting for the share capital increase November 22, 2005 (ZIP, 465,6 KB)
Annual General Meeting for the approval of the 2004 financial statements
May 24, 2005
10.30 a.m.
Marriott Bucharest Hotel
90 Calea 13 Septembrie, district 5, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Annual General Meeting for the approval of the 2004 financial statements May 24, 2005 (ZIP, 8,6 MB)
Annual General Meeting for the election of the Board of Directors’ members
January 11, 2005
11.00 a.m.
PECO Baneasa Station
2 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, district 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA