Natural gas
OMV Petrom is active on the entire gas value chain in Romania, from production and processing to marketing and supply. OMV Petrom’s gas sales covered in 2023 approximately 40% of the gas consumption in Romania. We develop gas activities in Romania as well as in neighboring countries.
OMV Petrom SA has been a licensed gas supplier in Romania since 1999. Our focus areas are industrial customers, from large gas intensive consumers to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). On the industrial client segment, we supply major players, thus supporting production of a variety of goods.
We diversified of our clients’ portfolio with small and medium companies that are active in diverse industries (hotels, food industry, services etc.). In addition, we are also supplying gas to household customers starting 2022, as a Supplier of Last Resort appointed by ANRE.
In the last year we have made significant progress in optimizing our traditional business, including by continuing to develop activities in our neighboring countries, increasing our footprint and capitalize on opportunities identified.
Why choose OMV Petrom, Gas & Power:
- Fair prices: in a free and competitive market, prices ensure alignment between supply and demand
- Security of supply: ~20 years of experience on the local gas supply; constant, steady & safe supply
- Tailored solutions: we provide all our customers with custom gas & power solutions specific to their business needs
- Flexibility: our clients can choose annual or short terms contracts, with customized formulas in which their terms can be met
- Online access: we provide access to a dedicated portal for billing, viewing contractual information, consumption and other documents. Acess link: https://gas-business-portal.omvpetrom.com/group/portal
Government Emergency Ordinance no. 118/2021
Lege 259 2021 pentru aprobarea OUG 118_2021 (PDF, 47,2 KB)
Declaratie proprie raspundere _OUG 118 (PDF, 263,0 KB)
Anexa 1.8 Declaratie proprie raspundere_OUG_118_2021 completata cu OUG 2_2022 (PDF, 257,2 KB)
OUG_118 Notificare clienti (PDF, 172,9 KB)
Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr. 1143_27112021_ref OUG 118_2021 (PDF, 380,7 KB)
Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr 61 20012022 ref OUG 2_2022 (PDF, 3,6 MB)
Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr 79 26012022_Modificarea si completarea OUG 118_2021 (PDF, 109,9 KB)
Ordin comun _183_112_173_ februarie 2022 (PDF, 575,2 KB)
Declaratie pe propria raspundere cu privire la ajutorul de minimis_OUG 118 (PDF, 153,9 KB)
OUG 118_ Anexa 1.9 Notificare clienti (PDF, 80,3 KB)
OMV Petrom SA, Gas & Power
Petrom City, Infinity Building, Ground Floor, Room 200, 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, 013329 Bucharest, Romania
Tel.: 0800 500 111
Fax : +40 (21) 40 60 421
E-mail: info.energie@petrom.com
Legea 123_2012 (PDF, 1,0 MB)
Law 167/2018 amending Law 123/2012 (PDF, 679,6 KB)
NARE Order 29/2016 Gas supply to final customers (PDF, 12,0 MB)
NARE Order 96/2015 on information to customers (in Romanian) (PDF, 2,3 MB)
NARE Order 37/2007 Performance standard gas supply (in Romanian) (PDF, 202,4 KB)
NARE Order 106/2014 client information gas supply (PDF, 2,2 MB)
NARE Order 16/2015 client complaints procedures (in Romanian) (PDF, 2,8 MB)
NARE ORDER 62/2008 on gas measurement (in Romanian) (PDF, 290,5 KB)
NARE Order 16/2013 network code for gas transportation (PDF, 651,2 KB)
NARE Order 105/2018 for gas centralized markets (PDF, 3,6 MB)
Procedura de schimbare furnizor (PDF, 4,0 MB)
Procedura-de-solutionare-a-neintelegerilor-contractuale (PDF, 56,5 KB)
Clauze contractuale (PDF, 127,9 KB)
Principalele conditii generale de contractare (PDF, 104,2 KB)
Modalitati de masurare, facturare (PDF, 87,9 KB)
Drepturile si obligatiile clientului final de gaze naturale si energie electrica (PDF, 153,7 KB)
Procedura interna_solutionare neintelegeri la incheierea contractelor_RO_14.12.2020 (PDF, 218,6 KB)
20-09-21-10-31-16Ord_128_2020 (PDF, 269,9 KB)
Procedura interna_Ordinul 61_2013_solutionarea disputelor in derularea contractelor RO (PDF, 214,8 KB)
Ordinul_61_13 (PDF, 2,9 MB)
Dec_400_05gn_MetodMediere (PDF, 22,2 KB)
Ordin_177_2015_ANRE.pdf (PDF, 4,7 MB)
Modalitati de plata (PDF, 31,1 KB)
Monitorul Oficial nr. 1202_2021_OUG 130_2021 (PDF, 212,8 KB)
Ordinul ANRE nr 81 2021 (PDF, 21,4 KB)
Monitorul Oficial nr 61_2022_OUG 2_2022 (PDF, 3,6 MB)
Monitorul Oficial nr 79_2022_OUG 3_2022 (PDF, 38,9 KB)
Monitorul Oficial nr 274_2022_OUG 27_2022_masuri aprilie 2022 _martie 2023 (PDF, 2,2 MB)
Monitorul Oficial nr 355_2022_OUG 42 2022 (PDF, 151,2 KB)
OUG 112_2022 (PDF, 202,9 KB)
Legea 206_2022 (PDF, 85,5 KB)
OUG 119_2022 (PDF, 624,6 KB)
Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr. 1198_ Legea 357_2022 (PDF, 157,0 KB)
Tarife distributie gaze naturale 2023 (PDF, 78,5 KB)
Modificari procentuale tarife distributie gaze naturale_01.07.2024 (PDF, 41,0 KB)
Tarife distributie gaze naturale iulie 2024 (PDF, 220,6 KB)
Tarife transport 2023-2024 (PDF, 25,2 KB)
Nota Informare GDPR GP_Ro_En_22.03.2023 (PDF, 168,5 KB)
Organizatii dedicate eficientei energetice (PDF, 210,3 KB)
Lista Societati Prestatoare de Servicii Energetice atestate
Alte informatii de interes pentru clientii finali (PDF, 61,2 KB)
Tarife Deconectare - Reconectare OSD 2024_actualizat (PDF, 128,5 KB)
Legea 206 2023 (PDF, 37,6 KB)
2019 OMV Petrom Gas performance report gas (PDF, 190,6 KB)
2018 OMV Petrom Gas performance report gas (PDF, 192,5 KB)
2017 OMV Petrom Gas performance report gas (PDF, 120,6 KB)
2016 OMV Petrom Gas performance report gas (PDF, 73,7 KB)
2015 OMV Petrom Gas performance report gas (PDF, 26,2 KB)
2014 OMV Petrom Gas performance report gas (PDF, 26,2 KB)
2013 OMV Petrom Gas performance report gas (PDF, 32,2 KB)
2012 OMV Petrom Gas performance report gas (PDF, 32,5 KB)
OMV Petrom SA 2020 (PDF, 189,9 KB)
Standard performanta furnizare gaze naturale OMV Petrom SA anul 2021 (PDF, 93,4 KB)
Standard performanta ianuarie - iunie 2022 (PDF, 619,5 KB)
OMV Petrom Q4 2024 Machete Anexe nr.2-3 Ord_83_2021 GN (PDF, 180,1 KB)
OMV Petrom Q3 2024 GN Machete Anexe nr.2-3 Ord_83_2021 (PDF, 327,8 KB)
OMV Petrom Q2 2024 Machete Anexe nr.2-3 Ord_83_2021 GN (PDF, 281,1 KB)
OMV Petrom Q1 2024 Machete Anexe nr.2-3-GN-Ord_83_2021 (PDF, 179,5 KB)
OMV Petrom Machete Anexe nr.2-3-GN-Ord_83_2021 trim 3 2022 (PDF, 271,2 KB)
OMV Petrom Q4 2023 Machete Anexe nr.2-3 GN Ord_83_2021 (PDF, 179,9 KB)
OMV Petrom Machete Anexe Ord_83_2021 trim 4 2022 GN (PDF, 207,0 KB)
OMV Petrom Machete Anexe nr.2-3-GN-Ord_83_2021 (PDF, 179,4 KB)
OMV Petrom Machete Anexe nr.2-3-GN Q2 2023 (PDF, 222,8 KB)
OMV Petrom Machete Anexe nr.2-3-GN Q2 2023 (PDF, 222,8 KB)
OMV Petrom Machete Anexe nr.2-3-GN Q3 2023 (PDF, 179,8 KB)
Standard performanta Petrom SA 2019 (PDF, 190,7 KB)
Standard performanta Petrom SA 2018 (PDF, 189,8 KB)
Standard performanta Petrom SA 2013 (PDF, 42,1 KB)
Standard performanta 2017 OMV Petrom SA (PDF, 118,5 KB)
Standard performanta 2016 OMV Petrom SA (PDF, 65,3 KB)
Standard Performanta 2015_Petrom SA (PDF, 108,2 KB)
Standard Performanta 2014_Petrom SA (PDF, 108,1 KB)
- Complaint form (online)
- Complaint Form (printable) (PDF, 203,9 KB)
- Procedura interna_Sistemul de colectare si rezolvare a reclamatiilor_OMV Petrom (PDF, 276,4 KB)
- Raportare OMV Petrom Anul 2020 (PDF, 566,0 KB)
- Raportare OMV Petrom Semestrul 2, 2020 (PDF, 566,5 KB)
- Contact (PDF, 81,8 KB)
- Categories for complaints (Romanian) (PDF, 40,6 KB)
- Raport plangeri clienti sem. 1, 2022 (PDF, 273,1 KB)
- Raportare privind plangerile sem. 2_2022 (PDF, 313,9 KB)
- Raportare privind plangerile 2022 (PDF, 315,2 KB)
- Raportare sem. 1, 2023 OMV Petrom SA (PDF, 283,9 KB)
- Raportare ref Ordinul 16_2015_OMV Petrom_sem 2_2023 (PDF, 347,1 KB)
- Raport ref Ordinul 16_2015_OMV Petrom_ anul 2023 (PDF, 343,5 KB)
- Raport plangeri clienti SEM I 2024_OMV Petrom (PDF, 347,0 KB)
- Raport Plangeri Sem. II, 2024, OMV Petrom. (PDF, 324,0 KB)
- Raport plangeri anul 2024, OMV Petrom (PDF, 286,4 KB)
- Raportare sem 1, 2021_reclamatii clienti finali (PDF, 268,2 KB)
- Raportare sem 2, 2021_reclamatii clienti finali (PDF, 273,4 KB)
- Raportare 2021_reclamatii clienti finali (PDF, 273,5 KB)
- OMV Petrom Gas_sem 1_2018 (PDF, 342,2 KB)
- Raportare plangeri clienti sem 2 - 2019 OMV Petrom Gas (PDF, 464,6 KB)
- Raport plangeri clienti 2019 OMV Petrom Gas (PDF, 461,4 KB)
- Raportare reclamatii clienti sem 1, 2019 OMV Petrom Gas (PDF, 471,7 KB)
- Raport reclamatii OMV Petrom Gas 2018 (PDF, 59,2 KB)
- Raport reclamatii OMV Petrom Gas sem. 2 2018 (PDF, 60,2 KB)
- Raportare reclamatii OMV Petrom SA, sem. 1, 2020 (PDF, 565,5 KB)
- Raport reclamatii OMV Petrom SA 2018 (PDF, 65,0 KB)
- Raport reclamatii OMV Petrom SA sem. 2 2018 (PDF, 55,2 KB)
- 2018 Sem 1 - Report on complaints to ANRE (Romanian) (PDF, 404,5 KB)
- 2017 - Report on complaints to ANRE OMV Petrom Gas (in Romanian) (PDF, 294,3 KB)
- 2017 - Report on complaints to ANRE OMV Petrom SA (in Romanian) (PDF, 356,5 KB)
- 2017 Sem 2 -Report on complaints to ANRE OMV Petrom Gas (in Romanian) (PDF, 294,3 KB)
- 2017 Sem 2- Report on complaints to ANRE OMV Petrom SA (in Romanian) (PDF, 356,0 KB)
- Raportare_2017_OMV_Petrom_Gas (PDF, 294,3 KB)
- OMV Petrom SA Semester 2_2017 (PDF, 356,0 KB)
- 2016 - Report on complaints to ANRE OMV Petrom SA (in Romanian) (PDF, 1,2 MB)
- Raportare_2016_OMV_Petrom_Gas (PDF, 1,2 MB)
- 2015 - Report on complaints to ANRE OMV Petrom (PDF, 1,1 MB)
Raport plangeri clienti 2019 OMV Petrom Gas (PDF, 461,4 KB)
Raportare plangeri clienti sem 2 - 2019 OMV Petrom Gas (PDF, 464,6 KB)