OMV PETROM MARKETING SRL - “Accelerate the Central and East European Ultra-Fast Charging”

OMV Petrom Marketing SRL (OPM RO), as Coordinator, and the Beneficiaries OMV Hungária Ásványolj KFT/ OMV Hungária KFT (OMV HU) and OMV Slovensko SRO (OMV SK), signed together with the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) for the implementation of the project “Accelerate the Central and East European Ultra-Fast Charging” funded under the Connecting Europe Facility - CEF-T-2021-AFIFCOEN-UNITS - CEF 2 Transport - Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility.
The project is implemented by a consortium. In Romania it will be developed by OMV Petrom Marketing SRL (OPM RO) which will also act as consortium coordinator and lead the development of the network in Hungary and Slovakia, together with OMV Hungária Ásványolj KFT/ OMV Hungária KFT (OMV HU) and OMV Slovensko SRO (OMV SK).
The main objective of the project is to create a corridor of alternative fuel infrastructure of electricity fast-charging stations on the TEN-T road network, in existing refueling stations, in Romania, Hungary and Slovakia.
The specific objectives of the proposal are:
- the rollout of 408 publicly accessible EV recharging points dedicated to light-duty vehicles, with a power of 300kW, each one equipped with 2 recharging points with a minimum power output of 150 kW, along the TEN-T network in Romania, Hungary and Slovakia;
- the installation of 98 grid connections with a minimum power capacity of 600kVA.
The infrastructure will be deployed according to the following indicative geographical distribution:
- In Romania: 328 recharging points with a minimum power output of 150 kW each in 80 locations;
- In Hungary: 28 recharging points with a minimum power output of 150 kW each in 7 locations;
- In Slovakia: 52 recharging points with a minimum power output of 150 kW each in 11 locations.
The investment that OMV Petrom Marketing SRL has proposed to develop is considered a project of common interest as it contributes to the development of the TEN-T core corridors as the Rhine-Danube, Mediterranean, and the Orient/East-Med in Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. The total estimated investment for the action amounts to approximately EUR 39 million, of which:
- approximately EUR 15 million are provided by the European Union, through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF);
- almost EUR 5 million of the total amount represent bank credit;
- the rest of the financing is covered from own sources.
The project duration is estimated to 36 months, between 10.11.2022 – 09.11.2025, and supports the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, while enabling long-distance driving with electric vehicles.
Project information and publicity activities:
So far, the following information and publicity activities have been carried out:
- Publication of the press release at the start of the project (Wall Street)
- Publication of the Request for expressions of interest on 10.08.2023 for the Contract “Supply of electric vehicle (EV) chargers for RO, SK and HU” on OMV Petrom’s website, in the section “Requests for expression of interest” as well as in an online news magazine (Ziarul Financiar)
- Publication of the Request for expressions of interest on November 2, 2023, republished on November 22, 2023 and February 2, 2024, respectively, for the Contract "Supply of transformer substations for Romania, Slovakia and Hungary" on OMV Petrom’s website, in the section “Requests for expression of interest” as well as in online news outlets (Ziarul Financiar) in the 3 countries – Romania, Slovakia & Hungary and links to the Request were inserted in the company dedicated project pages. Subsequently, the procurement procedure for the transformer stations was completed and the contract was signed with the winning supplier, the contract being in the execution stage.
- Information boards in accordance with the information and publicity rules established by the CEF program are successively placed at the project locations to promote the funding received.
Project progress status:
- Information and publicity activities have been undertaken in accordance with the information and publicity plan as detailed above;
- All the procurement procedures necessary for the development of the investment have been launched and completed, which are in the execution stage;
- The charging stations as well as the transformer points are in the process of delivery/installation in accordance with the project deadlines.
Beneficiary contact details:
OMV Petrom Marketing SRL, registered with the Trade Registry under No. J40/10637/1998, fiscal code 11201891, headquartered in 22 Coralilor Street (Petrom City), 1st District, Bucharest, Postal Code 013329, phone +4 021 40 22201, E-mail: office@petrom.com
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.