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Executive Board

The Executive Board is elected by the Supervisory Board. It manages the day-to-day business of the company. The Executive Board consists of five members, whose current mandates run starting April 2023.

Members of the Executive Board

Christina Verchere (1971) - Chief Executive Officer and President of the Executive Board
img_Christina Verchere

Christina Verchere holds a Master degree in Economics Science from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. She started her career in 1993 and has spent over 20 years with an oil and gas supermajor, where she held numerous leadership positions in the UK, the US, Canada and Indonesia. Between 2012 - 2014, she has been the Regional President Canada of BP located in Calgary and between 2014 - 2018, she has been the Regional President of the Asia Pacific region located in Jakarta, Indonesia. She was appointed Chief Executive Officer and President of the Executive Board of OMV Petrom starting May 1, 2018.

Curriculum vitae (PDF, 92,3 KB)

Alina Popa (1977) - Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Executive Board 
img_Alina Popa

Alina Popa graduated from Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in 1999 and is a member of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in the UK) since 2005, being also certified by ACCA in Sustainability for Finance in 2024. With her career starting at Deloitte Romania, Alina Popa joined OMV Petrom in 2006 and has held leadership positions in finance functions, coordinating important projects in the financial field. Between 2015 and 2019, she has been the General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of OMV Petrom Global Solutions, the Shared Service Center of OMV Group. She was appointed Chief Financial Officer and member of the OMV Petrom Executive Board as of April 17, 2019.

Curriculum vitae (PDF, 100,3 KB)

Cristian Hubati (1971) - Member of the Executive Board responsible for Exploration & Production
img_Cristian Hubati

Cristian Hubati graduated the Faculty of Electrical Engineering from Polytechnic University of Bucharest in 1995 and holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from Open University Business School, UK and also a postgraduate certificate in Board Practice and Directorship from Henley Business School, UK. Cristian Hubati has 20 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He joined OMV Petrom in 2007 and he held since then various management positions in the OMV Group. He was appointed member of the OMV Petrom Executive Board starting April 17, 2023.

Curriculum Vitae (PDF, 105,6 KB)

Radu Căprău (1974) - Member of the Executive Board responsible for Refining & Marketing
img_Radu Căprău

After graduating the Faculty of Management from the University of Economic Studies in Braşov, Radu Căprău started his career in the sales area, before joining OMV Petrom in 2000 as Area Manager for OMV Romania. Since then, he held various management positions within OMV Petrom Group in Romania and Bulgaria, being responsible for Retail, Supply, Logistics & Sales and Petrom Aviation. In 2018, he was the Head of Crude Supply & Trading within OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH in Vienna. He was appointed member of the OMV Petrom Executive Board as of October 1, 2018.

Curriculum vitae (PDF, 124,2 KB)

Franck Albert Neel (1970) - Member of the Executive Board responsible for Gas & Power
img_Franck Neel

Franck Neel studied Energy at the University of Rouen and received an Engineer Degree and then followed a Master of Mechanical Engineering at Cranfield University in United Kingdom. Later on, he earned an Executive Degree from the London Business School. Franck Neel spent 25 years working for the Group Engie. Thus, he started his career at Gaz de France in the engineering department for seven years and then moved to Marketing and Sales with different functions in different countries such as France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Netherlands, Italy and United Kingdom before joining OMV Petrom. He was appointed member of the OMV Petrom Executive Board as of July 1, 2018.

Curriculum vitae (PDF, 123,7 KB)

Organization and functioning

The Executive Board manages the day-to-day business of the company and monitors the activity of its group companies in accordance with the law, the Company’s Constitutive Act, the internal rules and guidelines as well as the resolutions of the Supervisory Board. It is elected by the Supervisory Board.

Attributions and responsibilities of the Executive Board

  • The Executive Board ensures that its own resolutions, the Supervisory Board's and the General Meeting of Shareholders' resolutions, as well as the internal guidelines are implemented and that they are in compliance with the law.
  • The Executive Board is the corporate body that runs the company and represents it in relation with third parties. Also the Executive Board agrees on the strategic direction of the company with the Supervisory Board and is periodically discussing the progress made on implementing the strategy.
  • The Executive Board provides the Supervisory Board periodically reports on all relevant issues of business developments including an assessment of the risks prevalent and the risk management in place at the company level and at the companies from the Group in which it holds the majority stake.