OMV Group Websites
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OMV Group Websites
OMV and OMV Petrom Websites
OMV Group OMV Romania Petrom Romania Petrom Moldova
img_4 downstream gas natural gas

Natural Gas Offer

Why choose OMV Petrom

  • International know-how and experience
  • Fair prices: in a free and competitive market, prices ensure alignment between supply and demand
  • Tailored solutions: we provide all our customers with tailor-made natural gas & power solutions
  • Flexibility in negotiations

NARE Natural Gas Offers Comparator

Current standard offer for natural gas

Total price, excluding taxes represents the commodity price and the transportation tariff. Distribution tariffs are not included.


Client type*

(OMV Petrom offer)

Natural gas price (lei/MWh) Transportation tariff
Transport System - Non household 0 to 28.000 271.15 20.56
Transport System - Non household over 28.001 271.15 20.56
C1 0 to  280 224.98 20.56
C2 281 to  2.800 228.47 20.56
C3 2.801 to  28.000 231.13 20.56
Amonte 0 to 28.000 291.71 -
Amonte via distribution 0 to 28.000 291.71 -
C1 Households 0 to  280 179.02 20.56

Contract-tip Gaze Naturale OMV Petrom (PDF, 498,6 KB)
Cerere incheiere contract de furnizare_NC (PDF, 205,2 KB)
CC Contract-tip Gaze Naturale OMV Petrom (PDF, 454,2 KB)
Cerere incheiere contract de furnizare_CC (PDF, 276,3 KB)

Nota Informare GDPR GP_Ro_En_22.03.2023 (PDF, 168,5 KB)

OMV Petrom SA, Gas & Power
Petrom City, Infinity Building, Ground Floor, Room 200, 22 Coralilor Street, District 1, 013329 Bucharest, Romania
Tel.: 0800 500 111
Fax : +40 (21) 40 60 421

Legea 123_2012 (PDF, 1,0 MB)
Law 167/2018 amending Law 123/2012 (PDF, 679,6 KB)
NARE Order 29/2016 Gas supply to final customers (PDF, 12,0 MB)
NARE Order 96/2015 on information to customers (in Romanian) (PDF, 2,3 MB)
NARE Order 37/2007 Performance standard gas supply (in Romanian) (PDF, 202,4 KB)
NARE Order 106/2014 client information gas supply (PDF, 2,2 MB)
NARE Order 16/2015 client complaints procedures (in Romanian) (PDF, 2,8 MB)
NARE ORDER 62/2008 on gas measurement (in Romanian) (PDF, 290,5 KB)
NARE Order 16/2013 network code for gas transportation (PDF, 651,2 KB)
NARE Order 105/2018 for gas centralized markets (PDF, 3,6 MB)
Procedura de schimbare furnizor (PDF, 4,0 MB)
Procedura-de-solutionare-a-neintelegerilor-contractuale (PDF, 56,5 KB)
Clauze contractuale (PDF, 127,9 KB)
Principalele conditii generale de contractare (PDF, 104,2 KB)
Ordinul ANRE nr 81 2021 (PDF, 21,4 KB)
Modalitati de masurare, facturare (PDF, 87,9 KB)
Drepturile si obligatiile clientului final de gaze naturale si energie electrica (PDF, 153,7 KB)
Procedura interna_solutionare neintelegeri la incheierea contractelor_RO_14.12.2020 (PDF, 218,6 KB)
20-09-21-10-31-16Ord_128_2020 (PDF, 269,9 KB)
Procedura interna_Ordinul 61_2013_solutionarea disputelor in derularea contractelor RO (PDF, 214,8 KB)
Ordinul_61_13 (PDF, 2,9 MB)
Dec_400_05gn_MetodMediere (PDF, 22,2 KB)
Ordin_177_2015_ANRE.pdf (PDF, 4,7 MB)
Ordinul ANRE nr 81 2021 (PDF, 21,4 KB)
Modalitati de plata (PDF, 31,1 KB)
Monitorul Oficial nr. 1202_2021_OUG 130_2021 (PDF, 212,8 KB)
Monitorul Oficial nr 61_2022_OUG 2_2022 (PDF, 3,6 MB)
Monitorul Oficial nr 79_2022_OUG 3_2022 (PDF, 38,9 KB)
Monitorul Oficial nr 274_2022_OUG 27_2022_masuri aprilie 2022 _martie 2023 (PDF, 2,2 MB)
Monitorul Oficial nr 355_2022_OUG 42 2022 (PDF, 151,2 KB)
OUG 112_2022 (PDF, 202,9 KB)
Legea 206_2022 (PDF, 85,5 KB)
OUG 119_2022 (PDF, 624,6 KB)
Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr. 1198_ Legea 357_2022 (PDF, 157,0 KB)
Alte informatii de interes pentru clientii finali (PDF, 61,2 KB)
Legea 206 2023 (PDF, 37,6 KB)