With our purpose “We are the energy - for a better life” (the “Why”), we strive to contribute to making people’s lives better. As a major European employer with a strong growth focus, powered by our people, we translate energy into quality of life, and focus on creating an environment where people can develop professionally and fulfill their personal aspirations in line with our business needs.
I. Principles concerning rights at work
In line with OMV Group and European principles and rights at work as per ILO (International Labour Organization) the following fundamental values are promoted by internal regulations and best practices:
Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; OMV Petrom and its Romanian affiliated companies have in place collective agreements providing specific rights and obligations for employees, their representatives and employer within a transparent and predictable frame;
The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor; the employment contracts concluded in OMV Petrom Group companies are based on mutual agreement and their content is a result of a transparent and fair negotiation process, guided by the legal provisions and internal regulations frame also implying the presence and the involvement of employees’ representatives in all sorts of processes concerning employees;
The effective abolition of child labor; this consistent with the legal requirements and our commitment to the special protection of the employees having less than 18 years of age;
The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation; the internal regulation frame provides transparent statements against any discrimination, regardless of criteria, while access to jobs is ensured freely throughout the organization, regardless of the level; internal programs are developed to encourage diversity and equal treatment as a way to shape organizational culture; apart from actively building a diversity culture, the internal regulation frame provides for efficient tools to safeguard our culture towards any discrimination, by means of internal grievance and disciplinary policy.
II. Policy on employment
As per the applicable labor legislation and OMV Petrom Group’s organizational culture, our commitment is to ensure employment contracts for unlimited period, as rule. This provides predictability to both employees and employers and allows steady work environment as well as the prerequisite for business continuity and knowledge transfer.
By exception and considering the express and limited situations prescribed by the law, employment contracts may be concluded for limited period of time (e.g. for the substitution of an employee whose employment contract is suspended, the temporary increase of employer’s activity, deployment of certain projects and programs). In line with the legal requirements, the rights and benefits of limited employment contracts employees are similar to the ones available to comparable employees employed by unlimited labor contracts. Limited period employment contracts are concluded by observing the duration limits prescribed by law.
Depending on business needs, limited period employees may be further granted access to unlimited employment contracts as per the available vacancies.
Full time employment is a very important pillar of our employment culture and it is used for the majority of our labor agreements in accordance to our business needs and responsibility to employees. Part time employment is available as a flexible tool.
Same rights and obligations are available to part time employees similar to full time employees, under the legal conditions and covered also by the collective labor agreement. Salary rights are granted on pro rata basis, by reference to full time employment.
III. Policy on family related rights: time off and financial support
We understand that our employees are part of families and this makes them happy and productive, therefore we make sure that they exercise their legal rights and have access to social security paid days off, as per the legal frame.
Our employees are entitled to long-term paid time off via: maternity leave (for women, prior and after child birth); child care leave up to the child’s age of 2/3 years, and unpaid leave following the Leave for child care, to be granted to both men and women; leave for the care of the sick child under a certain age to be granted to both men and women; paternity leave up to 15 days; adoption leave for parents (men & women) adopting a child.
Short-term vacations (days off) are also available as paid days for legal holidays including International Children Days, first day in school every year, and the International Women’s Day; also, employees are encouraged to participate to close family events by paid days off and also by dedicated allowances granted by the employer in relation to certain family events. Unpaid days off are also available for personal situations.
The internal arrangements also refer to the reimbursement of part of the costs with the education of small children, while advantageous conditions with some private education providers are also negotiated for our employees.