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Petrom supports 900 pupils from Targoviste in their fight against the waste of resources in the project “Protect the resources, save the future!”

Targoviste 22.05.2008- “Resources for the future”, the campaign developed by Petrom, inspired the teachers and pupils from “Mihai Viteazul” school in Targoviste to launch their own project of ecological education. Through the project “Protect the resources, save the future”, 900 pupils will learn how to protect the environment and the natural resources

“Protect the resources, save the future!” will be developed throughout an entire year and will start with a research action. During the first month, the children will gather information on the existing types of natural resources, on the needs and ways to preserve them and how to diminish the consumption of natural resources. They will also identify sources for alternative energy and the best ways to use them. The children will learn how to reduce domestic waste and how to recycle them in order to preserve the resources and protect the environment.

The second stage of the project will be a practical one. An information point will be created inside the school. The children will place posters on the walls and will stick stickers with specific messages in the bathrooms (“Don’t waste water”) and near the light switchers - in order to prevent the wasting of electricity.

In the same period, in “Mihai Viteazul” school will be started a campaign for selective waste collection. Special trash bins with specific markings for the selective collection of paper and cardboard, plastic, aluminum and organic waste will be placed throughout the school.  

In the beginning of their summer holiday, the pupils of “ Mihai Viteazul” school want to clean the green areas of Targoviste, starting with the green spaces that are in the neighborhood of their school.

From August until September, the children of “Mihai Viteazul” school have planned the “SOS- Save the resources!”< /strong> caravan. They will visit eight schools and high schools of Targoviste and will inform their colleagues from these institutions about the effects of wasting resources and energy, the existing types of alternative energy, the ways to diminish natural resources’ consumption and to conserve the existing resources trough waste recycling.

The children will organize a march in October in order for their message to have a greater impact. The march will have its starting point at “Mihai Viteazul” school and will end at the City Hall in Targoviste. The participants in the march will spread the message of the “Protect the resources, save the future!” project. The children will give the passers by flyers containing information on solutions to diminish the waste of resources.

Mona Nicolici, CSR Communication Manager Petrom: “I was impressed by the initiative of these children. In order to transmit their message, they managed to create an extremely coherent action plan. I am glad they have been inspired by the TV spot “Andrei” and that Petrom’s message for rational use of resources has raised an alarm signal for the young generation.”

Bobes Luminita, deputy principal Mihai Viteazul School: “The environment’s protection is fundamental nowadays. We must consider our needs but the future generation’s needs as well - our children and grandchildren and their children.
The “Protect the resources, save the future” project wants to inform, to create awareness, to determine decisions and actions regarding the environment’s protection.
We are honored by the partnership with Petrom and the fact that the company chose to sustain this project, makes us more confident regarding the project’s success”.