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Petrom modifies fuel prices

September 29, 2006

  • Petrom modifies the fuel prices
  • Update due to the appreciation of the national currency RON against the EUR

Petrom announces new prices for its oil products in own retail network starting September 30th, 2006, 00:00 hours.
Petrom’s prices policy, taken up at the beginning of 2005, depends on the international developments of the oil product prices but also on the domestic market context.
The measure of Petrom prices modification was taken following the appreciation of the RON against the EUR, which is reflected in the decrease in the excises in RON imposed on the oil products.
Because Petrom applies a moderate and cautious prices policy, Petrom’s average prices are among the lowest prices in Europe.
Petrom regards it as its obligation vis-à-vis its customers to communicate the price changes. As a customer oriented company, Petrom exercises the highest transparency possible and thus remains the only operator of filling stations to publish its price changes.

Petrom’s fuel prices will be modified as follows:

Products Retail price September 29 RON/liter Modification RON/liter Retail price 30 RON/liter
ECO Premium  3.42 -0.02 3.40
Premium 95 fara plumb 3.40 -0.02 3.38
Top Premium 99+ 3.72 -0.02 3.70
Top Euro Diesel 4 3.36 -0.02 3.34
Euro Diesel 4  3.31 -0.02 3.29