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Communique regarding NN Group N.V.’s holdings in OMV Petrom S.A.

OMV Petrom S.A. (“OMV Petrom”) received from NN Group N.V. a notification according to art. 69 and 70 of Law no. 24/2017 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations by which it was informed that, starting with January 4, 2021, the indirect holding of NN Group N.V. of the voting rights of OMV Petrom exceeded the 5% threshold.

According to the notification received, NN Group N.V. holds 2,848,113,046 shares/voting rights, corresponding to 5.03% of OMV Petrom’s share capital/voting rights.

Annex: Notification received by OMV Petrom from NN Group BV. (PDF, 3,4 MB)