71,000 trees planted this autumn with OMV Petrom support
OMV Petrom and 7 environmental NGOs finalized the tree planting campaign of 71,000 trees
- OMV Petrom and 7 environmental NGOs finalized the tree planting campaign of 71,000 trees on a surface of 13.5 ha in several communities in Romania
- Almost 3,000 volunteers, out of which 650 OMV Petrom employees – planted over 15 species of trees which will help in absorbing CO2
- “Romania plants for tomorrow” campaign supports 3 objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: (13) Climate Action, (15) Life on Land and (17) Partnerships for the Goals.
The biggest tree planting campaign initiated by OMV Petrom, “Romania plants for tomorrow”, was finalized on November 30, on Saint Andrew’s Day – bringing together 7 environmental NGOs and approximately 3,000 volunteers who planted 71,000 trees in 7 counties in Romania, on a surface of 13.5 ha.

At the beginning of November, OMV Petrom launched a tree planting campaign in 7 counties in Romania, together with several NGOs: Act for Tomorrow, Mai Mult Verde, Pădurea Copiilor, Plantăm Fapte Bune în România, Viitor Plus, Pro Eco Tur and Parcul Natural Văcărești, and succeeded in planting over 70,000 trees in the following locations: Corbu (Constanța), Bistreț (Dolj), Vânătorii Mici (Giurgiu), Colelia (Ialomița), Văcărești Park (București), Mârșani (Dolj), Tinosu (Prahova), Videle (Teleorman).
Forests have an important role in absorbing and storing carbon dioxide (CO2) from our atmosphere, therefore planting trees as a way of protecting and establishing forests is a key nature-based solution to the risks of climate change.
Over the next 3 years, the partner NGOs will ensure maintenance services for the areas where trees were planted. OMV Petrom will continue this campaign next year in spring, when the company intends to plant an even higher number of trees than this autumn. Starting 2008, within the tree planting campaigns organized by OMV Petrom, over 700.000 trees were planted.
“OMV Petrom has a long tradition of supporting important causes for all of us. We want to thank to all the 3,000 volunteers, both OMV Petrom employees and other companies’ employees, who joined us in this campaign for climate action. Their enthusiasm is motivating us to continue the tree plantings also next year, with a larger campaign at national level”, said Alina Petrescu, Communication & Sustainability Director, who attended the tree planting in Vacaresti Park.
This campaign contributes to supporting three objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: (13) Climate Action, (15) Life on Land and (17) Partnerships for the Goals.
For more information about the trees planting and the social responsibility programs of OMV Petrom, please visit https://www.taraluiandrei.ro