More than 600 volunteers have helped at the “Parks of the Future” the construction works
- The volunteers have planted dozens of trees and bushes in the “Parks of the Future” in Moineşti, Piteşti and Bucharest, which will be finalised in November
- The project is part of the social responsibility program “ Petrom: Respect for the future”
Bucharest October, 20 2007 – Petrom has organized the Volunteers’ Day in Moineşti (October, 10), Piteşti (October, 16) and Bucharest (October, 18). These special days have reunited volunteers from the local community, authorities, public personalities, journalists and Petrom employees. Through these volunteering actions, Petrom wanted to involve all the project’s partners who are the beneficiaries of the parks of the future.
In each of the three parks, more than 200 volunteers were present and took part at the parks’ redesign. The volunteers have cleaned the parks, helped the constructions teams working in the parks and have planted dozens of trees and bushes. At the events, the mayors and the local authorities of each city were present. Tudor Pendiuc- Piteşti’s Mayor, Vasile Ailincăi – Moineşti’s Mayor and Nicolae Onţanu – Second District Mayor, Bucharest have each managed a team and have contributed to the parks’ construction in their town.
At the Volunteers’ Day in Bucharest, Attila Korodi, the Minister of Environment and Durable Development who has planted a tree on the artificially created mountain in the Lunca Florilor. Mariana Gheorghe, CEO Petrom, Marie Rose Mociorniţa, Corina Dragotescu and Mircea Toma have worked also in teams created with the local community and pupils from the schools around the park.
Mona Nicolici, CSR Communication Manager Petrom: „In all three parks, the volunteers’ number has exceeded our expectations. The people got involved and they understood that our efforts are for their benefit. The Petrom’s volunteers presence in this project is our manner to show we care and a sign that if we want to, we can change the world we are living in, by improving it”.
Attila Korodi, the Minister of Environment and Durable Development: „With my presence in the park, along with Petrom, I would like to set a model for other companies to get involved in social responsibility projects. What is very important in this case, is that the park’s project was developed by young architects, who have used their science and talent for the community’s benefit”.
David Cristian, first grade pupil, “Ion Pillat” School, Piteşti: „ We have been hard working, we have planted trees and collected garbage. We have understood that it is important to clean and keep our environment tidy - every gesture counts in this respect”.
Mircea Toma, President of the Association to Conserve the Protected Areas Bio-Cultural: „Instead of going to the gym today, I chose to plant a tree. I have planted a tree and I am feelinghappy. After how annoyed I was, seeing what is happening with the parks in Bucharest, the fact that a disaster can be fixed, makes me feel very well. And I congratulate Petrom for the positive initiative”.
The “Parks of the Future” project involves an EUR 1.500.000 investment and it pursuits to redesign five public parks in Romania at European standards, in the environment protection spirit and usage of alternative energies. Through this project, which took place under the concept “Respect for future”, our company is getting involved in the local communities life through the arrangement by 2008, of parks in Moineşti, Piteşti, Bucharest, Târgovişte and Timişoara. SC CENTRUL GREENSHOP SRL Bucharest is the construction company that has won the tender and that will start to rehabilitate the three Parks of the Future in partnership with the City Halls in each city.
Petrom CSR
„Respect for Future” is a complex program initiated by Petrom, at the beginning of 2007, through which we respond to society’s and environment’s needs.
„Respect for Future” is the concretization of our principles, which stand at the base of durable development. We believe that the present needs can be satisfied with respect for the future generations and that is why we have chosen to treat environmental and social aspect as part of our business conduct.