OMV Group Websites
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OMV Group Websites
OMV and OMV Petrom Websites
OMV Group OMV Romania Petrom Romania Petrom Moldova

Power Supply

Our company is active on the Romanian power market both as a supplier and as a power producer.

OMV Petrom SA has been a licensed power supplier in Romania since 2009 and it became even more important for the Romanian power market after commissioning the 860 MWh Brazi combined cycle power plant in 2012. 

We made very good progress on enlarging our regional power operations, the activities on the neighboring power markets being expanded in the last years. We have expertise and access to relevant markets and trading platforms, enabling cross market optimisation.

Why choose OMV Petrom

Our company’s strategy includes the development of retail market participation by offering solutions for the electricity supply to end customers, in conditions of economic efficiency, security of supply and assuring the risk of price volatility of electricity.

  • International know-how and experience
  • Fair prices: in a free and competitive market, prices ensure alignment between supply and demand
  • Tailored solutions: we provide all our customers with tailor-made power solutions
  • Flexibility in negotiations

Government Emergency Ordinance no. 118/2021
Lege 259 2021 pentru aprobarea OUG 118_2021 (PDF, 47,2 KB)
Declaratie proprie raspundere _OUG 118 (PDF, 263,0 KB)
Anexa 1.8 Declaratie proprie raspundere_OUG_118_2021 completata cu OUG 2_2022 (PDF, 257,2 KB)
OUG_118 Notificare clienti (PDF, 172,9 KB)
Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr. 1143_27112021_ref OUG 118_2021 (PDF, 380,7 KB)
Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr 61 20012022 ref OUG 2_2022 (PDF, 3,6 MB)
Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr 79 26012022_Modificarea si completarea OUG 118_2021 (PDF, 109,9 KB)
Ordin comun _183_112_173_ februarie 2022 (PDF, 575,2 KB)
Declaratie pe propria raspundere cu privire la ajutorul de minimis_OUG 118 (PDF, 153,9 KB)
OUG 118_ Anexa 1.9 Notificare clienti (PDF, 80,3 KB)

Government Emergency Ordinance no. 119/2022
OUG 119_2022 (PDF, 624,6 KB)
Notificare info OUG 119_2022 clienti noncasnici energie electrica (PDF, 112,5 KB)
Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr. 1198_ Legea 357_2022 (PDF, 157,0 KB)
ANEXA Nr.4 - Declaratie pe propria raspundere (PDF, 123,2 KB)
ANEXA Nr.5 - Solicitare (PDF, 107,6 KB)

Ghid explicativ factură energie electrică consumator casnic_ furnizare (PDF, 468,8 KB)

Comparator oferte-tip de furnizare a energiei electrice, ANRE

OMV Petrom SA, Gas & Power
Petrom City, Infinity Building, Parter, Camera 200 Str. Coralilor nr. 22, sector 1, 013329 Bucureşti România
Tel.: 0800 500 111
Fax: +40 (21) 40 60 421


Raport ref Ordinul 16_2015_OMV Petrom_ anul 2023 (PDF, 343,5 KB)
Raport plangeri clienti SEM I 2024_OMV Petrom (PDF, 347,0 KB)

Raportare sem 1, 2021_reclamatii clienti finali (PDF, 268,2 KB)