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OMV Petrom supports implementation of public policies for equal chances principle between men and women

OMV Petrom, the largest oil and gas producer in Southeastern Europe, signed a collaboration protocol with the Department for Equal Chances between Men and Women (DESFB), an institution coordinated by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and Elderly, in view of supporting the promotion of gender equality principle between men and women among employers in Romania.

The collaboration protocol encourages the exchange of opinions and information between companies and public authorities in order to ensure the equality of chances and raising awareness over the main instruments that enable the balance between private and professional life, supporting the development of women entrepreneurship, fighting against gender stereotypes in the education system and public and private practice.

"50 years ago the oil and gas industry was exclusively a field for men. At that time, I think many would have thought it impossible for a woman to lead a large company in this field. Much progress was made since then, however statistics still show that differences between men and women continue to exist in terms of employment in certain business segments. I think that, through our efforts and achievements in the last ten years, OMV Petrom is a success story for equality of chances but the efforts must continue to maximize talent and development potential, especially in the technical field", says Mrs. Mariana Gheorghe, OMV Petrom CEO.

"The Department for Equal Chances between Men and Women" has an integrated approach of the gender equality field, this trend being in fact adopted by the majority of the European states. During the past years, Romania initiated a series of concrete measures regarding gender equality that target both the amendment of the relevant legislative framework as well as strengthening the collaboration between the public and private sector. DESFB responsibly approaches the institutional mandate for gender equality, its mission being to supervise the observance of legal provisions arising from these commitments. In the same time we are aware of the current challenges that we commit to address with concrete and efficient measures in order to significantly reduce the number of cases where gender equality is not applied", says Mrs. Ioana Liana Cazacu, Secretary of State, Department for Equal Chances between Men and Women.

As part of the collaboration with the Department for Equal Chances between Men and Women, on November 20th 2014, a National Conference was organized with the involvement of public decision makers in the field and representatives of private companies engaged in applying these principles. Three workshops were held during the conference, namely encouraging the private companies to ensure daycare centers for the employees’ children; supporting flexible work hours for employees having children or other persons under their care; emphasizing the invisible work of women (occupations, lifestyle etc.); supporting and encouraging the partnership between men and women in private life and taking on equal responsibilities regarding child care. The conference was attended by representatives of large companies. Her Excellency, Mrs. Ambassador of Finland in Romania, Ulla Vaisto, the honor guest of the event, shared the good practices applied in her country concerning gender equality.

OMV Petrom is one of the first companies in Romania that voluntarily implemented in its corporate governance the UN Global Compact which provides 10 basic principles on human rights, labor environment and correct business practices, as well as fighting against discrimination. The principles of gender equality for all categories of employees during recruiting and labor contracts, as well as the principle of equal payment of men and women for equal work are included in the internal directives of OMV Petrom and applied in view of increasing the performance of the organization.

Due to its specific activity of hydrocarbons production, the entire oil and gas field is characterized by a larger number of men than women. At the end of 2013, among OMV Petrom group employees, 23% were women, out of a total of 19,619 employees, while at management level they represent around 30%.

Department of Equal Chances between Men and Women
In March 2014, in view of strengthening the institutional capacity in the field of equality of chances and treatment for men and women, the Department of Equal Chances for Men and Women was set up as per the governmental emergency act no. 11/19.03.2014, a body of central public administration with legal personality, under the Ministry of Labor, with attributions in drafting, coordinating and implementing strategies and policies of the Government regarding gender equality.

Statistical data and evaluation showed the fact that cases of gender inequality exist at all levels in fields such as labor, education, access to decision making, balanced assignment of family roles and responsibilities. The crisis had a dramatic impact on both men and women, the latter being however more likely to have less secure jobs and to be more exposed to layoffs, to have limited or no access to social security systems, to become an even greater supporter of family, not only in single parent families but also in the families with children and dependent persons.

OMV Petrom
OMV Petrom is the largest integrated oil and gas group in Southeastern Europe, with an annual oil and gas production of approximately 66 mn boe. The Group has a refining capacity of 4.2 mn tons/year and owns an 860 MW high efficiency power plant and a 45 MW wind park. OMV Petrom is present on the oil products retail markets in Romania and neighbouring countries through approximately 800 filling stations.

OMV, Austria’s largest listed industrial company, holds a 51.01% share in OMV Petrom. The Romanian state, via the Ministry of Economy, holds 20.64% of OMV Petrom shares, the Property Fund holds 18.99% and 9.36% is free float on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

In the last nine years investments for the consolidation and modernization of OMV Petrom amounted to EUR 10 bn. The annual direct, indirect and induced impact of OMV Petrom in Romania’s GDP is around 5%.

Starting 2007, OMV Petrom integrated the principles of corporate responsibility within its business strategy. In this period, the company allocated more than EUR 40 mn for the development of communities in Romania, focusing on environment protection, education, health and local development. Andrei’s School is the main platform for community involvement.

For more details and information:
OMV Petrom Media Relations: +40 (372) 161547,